
How Does Massage Session Affect Your Body System?

How Does Massage Session Affect Your Body System?
2013年07月08日 - carolineyang316 - carolineyang316的博客

 How the therapist conducts the qingdao massage session will affect the client, too. For a vata person, the therapist will calm him and create steadiness and grounding strength by using slow, meditative, gentle movements, releasing tension in the pelvis and lower torso. The pitta type client needs relaxing, cooling work to help him give in to healing energy, affecting the liver and other abdominal internal organs. The kapha type will appreciate an energetic and stimulating session with postures that increase the heart activity and aerobic conditions.
Thai xiamen massage blends styles from Asian neighbors passed down through the generations. Unlike the scooping and continuous strokes of Western massage, the Thai method uses point pressure, muscle stretching and compression, done in a rhythmic movement of gentle rocking.

In Thai massage shanghai it is not just the hands that are used to free tension from the recipient's body, but the therapists feet, forearms, knees, and elbows as well. Be assured northern style Thai massage is never painful. Thai massage is applied on a mat on the floor, the work is done fully clothed and no oils are required.
Thai medical massage can move deeper into the mechanical functions of the body, working with deep muscle tension and joint mobility as well as nerve, muscle and ligament balancing.

