
Deep Tissue Massage Is Used By Therapist?

Deep Tissue is a hangzhou massage just that- it targets the underlying muscles, connective tissue, and places you've never felt before. This is intense massage and great for recovering injuries, athletes, and people who have chronic muscle tightness or strains. It's most popular with people who work-out hard or train athletically. If you have posture problems or a physically demanding job, this is perfect for you too.

The massage hangzhou therapist uses deep, sometimes slightly painful, strokes to get into your tissues and relax any tightness. Don't hesitate to ask fo lighter pressure if it's too painful. They will also ask you to breathe deeply at certain times which helps them really get into the muscle and release it.

I will forewarn the weak- deep tissue isn't the most relaxing leisurely type of massage in hangzhou, but it has helped me with muscle strains, rotator cuff injury, lymph stimulation, and detoxificaiton. It feels best after the massage is over, while some may be sore a day or two after, the benefits last longer than regualr massage. I usually lose up to 5 lbs. within a few days after too. Since the massage is generally performed at a slower pace, I suggest getting a 1 1/2 hour time slot so that all your muscles can be evenly worked on.

