
Escort nanjing of certain specific parts of the body

Essalen Massage - is a new variation of the  massage nanjing and was created in California at the Essalen Institute. Unlike the more brisk Swedish massage that focuses on the body alone, the Essalen massage is slower and more rhythmic while focusing on the whole mind and body.

Lymph Drainage - is a gentle, pulsating escort nanjing of certain specific parts of the body located around the lymph nodes towards the heart. This type of massage is used extensively around the shoulders, neck and head during facial massages. Lymph drainage massages will improve lymphatic flow and improve the body's natural toxin drainage.

Russian Massage - requires very precise angles for the joints and muscles. It's a deep tissue nanjing massage that helps to stretch out the muscles to achieve benefits. The massage helps reduce muscle aches and reduces stress. Sports Massage - is a deep tissue massage. It is usually applied around the joints to treat specific muscle groups.

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